Answer: ATTLEE
ATTLEE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 52 times.
Referring Clues:
- Postwar P.M.
- Churchill contemporary
- Predecessor and successor of Churchill
- "As It Happened" memoirist, 1954
- British Labor prime minister
- Potsdam Conference attendee
- About whom Churchill purportedly said "A modest man who has much to be modest about"
- Landslide election winner of 1945
- Former British P.M. Clement ___
- Churchill's predecessor and successor
- Former British P.M. Sir Clement ___
- British prime minister, 1945-51
- Churchill's successor
- Churchill successor
- Postwar British prime minister
- U.K. P.M. Clement
- Prime minister before Churchill
- Churchill's successor and predecessor
- Churchill was his predecessor and successor
- He came after Churchill
- British P.M. during the creation of Israel
- Prime minister between Churchill's terms
- 1940s British P.M.
- Prime minister before and after Churchill
- Churchill follower
- Churchill follower
- Churchill's follower
- Churchill follower
- Churchill follower
- British Prime Minister Clement
- P.M. before and after Churchill
- Clement of Britain
- Churchill's predecessor
- Postwar British leader
- Prime minister of 1945
- British P.M., 1945-51
- British P.M. after Churchill
- Postwar prime minister
- Truman's U.K. counterpart
- '30s-'50s British Labour Party leader
- Truman's UK counterpart
- P.M. after Churchill
- P.M. after and before Churchill
- Prime minister after and before Churchill
- Churchill's 1945 successor
- 1940s P.M.
- Former British prime minister Clement
- Post-W.W. II prime minister
- British prime minister after WWII
- Churchill's successor in 1945
- P.M. preceded and succeeded by Churchill
- Prime minister between Churchill's two terms
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - March 04, 2025
- LA Times - October 22, 2023
- New York Times - June 30, 2022
- New York Times - July 18, 2019
- LA Times - June 05, 2019
- LA Times - November 24, 2018
- King Syndicate - Premier Sunday - November 04, 2018
- New York Times - May 04, 2018
- LA Times - November 11, 2017
- LA Times - January 17, 2017
- LA Times - July 21, 2016
- New York Times - April 03, 2016
- USA Today - April 01, 2015
- LA Times Sunday - November 23, 2014
- Universal - August 24, 2014
- USA Today - August 11, 2014
- LA Times - April 03, 2014
- LA Times - March 29, 2014
- USA Today - February 21, 2014
- New York Times - August 25, 2013
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