Answer: EKE
EKE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 236 times.
Referring Clues:
- Supplement, with "out"
- Manage to get, with "out"
- Squeeze (out)
- ___ out a living
- Scrape (out)
- Stretch, with "out"
- Barely get, with "out"
- Just make, with "out"
- Make (out)
- Stretch (out)
- Barely manage, with "out"
- Scratch (out)
- Barely make, with "out"
- Manage, with "out"
- Maui's ___ Crater
- Barely get, with “out”
- ___ out a win
- Laboriously make
- Barely maintain, with "out"
- Homophone of 7-Down
- ___ out (just manage)
- Just manage, with “out”
- Make, with "out"
- Squeeze
- Increase, old-style
- __ out (barely manage)
- Pull (out), as a narrow victory
- Scratch
- ___ out (barely make)
- Barely get by, with "out"
- Barely earn, with "out"
- Barely make (out)
- Just manage, with "out"
- Barely make do, with "out"
- Stretch
- ___ out (supplement)
- Obtain with great effort, with "out"
- Barely squeak by, with "out"
- Just get by, with "out"
- Get with difficulty
- Just about squeeze (out)
- Barely sustain, with "out"
- Increase, archaically
- Struggle to make, with "out"
- __ out: barely obtain
- Scratch (out), as a living
- Barely squeeze (out)
- __ out: barely make
- Wring (out)
- Repair by adding material
- Barely obtain, with "out"
- With 21-Down, barely sustain
- ___ out an existence
- Piece (out)
- Also, archaically
- __ out a living
- Earn laboriously, with "out"
- Scrape together, with "out"
- Squeeze (out) with effort
- Scrape by, with "out"
- Barely make do, with ''by''
- Supplement, with ''out''
- Add to barely, with ''out''
- Barely earn, with ''out''
- Barely make, with ''out''
- __ out a subsistence
- Scratch (out a living)
- Just manage (with ''out'')
- Minimally make (with ''out'')
- Just manage (with "out")
- Squeeze (out), as a narrow victory
- Supplement with difficulty
- Barely attain
- ___ out (make do)
- Barely manage (with ''out'')
- Barely obtain (with ''out'')
- Barely achieve (with ''out'')
- Barely get (with ''out'')
- Barely manage (with "out")
- Achieve with effort (with "out")
- ___ out a living (barely scrape by)
- Just survive (with "out")
- Scratch (out) a living
- Make a palindromic living?
- Barely achieve (with "out")
- Barely get by (with "out")
- ___ out (barely make do)
- Squeeze (out), as a living
- Manage to get (with "out")
- Barely get (with "out")
- Scratch out a living
- Just get by (with "out")
- Supplement (with "out")
- Barely make (with "out")
- Laboriously make (with "out")
- Make do (with "out")
- ___ out a profit
- Get with great effort (with "out")
- ___ out (barely get by)
- Just get (by)
- ___ out a living (barely survive)
- Make do, with "out"
- ___ out a living (barely get by)
- __ out: barely manage
- Just make (out)
- Just manage to tease (out)
- ___ out (barely get)
- Earn laboriously (with "out")
- Barely get (by)
- Accomplish by economy, with "out"
- Narrowly make, with "out"
- Scrape up, with "out"
- Make last
- Ration out
- Barely get, with out
- Just manage, with out
- Barely obtain (with "out")
- Minimally make (with "out")
- ___ out: barely obtain
- ___ out: barely make
- ___ out: barely manage
- Ellington monogram
- Barely make do, with "by"
- Add to barely, with "out"
- ___ out a subsistence
- Get (by)
- Scrimp
- Live minimally
- Get by
- Make do
- Increase, with "out"
- Scrimp and save
- - out
- Obtain the hard way, with "out"
- Be very frugal
- With 31-Across, supplement
- With 17-Down, supplement
- Supplement, with 'out'
- ___ out (scrape by)
- Manage, with 'out'
- With 48-Across, supplement
- ___ out (just get by)
- Barely squeeze (by)
- ___ out (scrape up)
- Scrape together, with 'out'
- Barely maintain (with "out")
- Barely beat, with "by"
- ___ out a living
- ___ out a living (barely manage)
- Just make it (with "out")
- ___ out (barely earn)
- Use sparingly
- ___ out a win (barely beat)
- Barely manage
- Work hard to get, with "out"
- ___out (supplement)
- Monogram of Duke Ellington
- Stretch out
- Barely squeeze by (with "out")
- Monogram of "The Duke" (Ellington)
- ___ out a win (barely emerge victorious)
- ___ by somehow
- ___ out a living (barely manage to survive)
- Supplement the hard way
- Barely get, with 'out'
- Barely obtain, with 'out'
- Pull (out)
- Struggle to earn, with "out"
- out a living
- out (barely manage)
- out (supplement)
- Barely making do
- ___ out (just get)
- ___ out (barely achieve)
- Barely managed to get (with "out")
- ___ out a win (just prevail)
- ___ out a living (just manage)
- Make up for a deficiency
- Make bigger
- Add to (with "out")
- out a living (get by)
- Scrimp and get by
- Squeak (out)
- Supplement
- Squeak by
- ___ out a living (scrape by)
- Squeak (by)
- Scrape (by)
- Stretch, with 'out'
- Just make, with 'out'
- ___ out (barely manage)
- ___ out a win (barely get the victory)
- ___ out a victory
- Barely make, as a living (with "out")
- Barely scrape (with "out")
- Expression of horror or disgust
- Scratch out, as a living
- Be economical with
- Just ___ by: barely make it
- Squeeze (by)
- Duke Ellington's initials
- ___ out a meager existence
- Enlarge
- Verb of frugality
- "Duke" Ellington monogram
- Duke Ellington's monogram
- To augment
- Augment or add to
- Monogram of a musical duke
- ___ out a living (just get by)
- Draw (out)
- Barely win, with "out"
- Barely make
- ___ out: just manage
- Scratch (out), as a crossword answer?
- ___ out a living (get by)
- Manage somehow, with "out"
- Just squeeze (out)
- Barely scrape (by)
- Only just get, with "out"
- Barely squeak (out)
- Homophone of "eek"
- Just manage, with "by"
- Just scrape (by)
- ___ by (barely succeed)
- ___ by (barely make it)
- ___ by (barely manage)
- ___ out a living: just get by
- Just scrape (out)
- ___ out a victory (win narrowly)
- ___ out
- ___ out a win: almost lose
- Pull (out), as a win
- Barely scrape (out)
- ___ by (just make it)
- Barely scratch (out)
Last Seen In:
- New York Times - March 13, 2025
- LA Times - March 05, 2025
- USA Today - February 04, 2025
- New York Times - January 15, 2025
- New York Times - December 31, 2024
- USA Today - December 11, 2024
- USA Today - December 03, 2024
- LA Times - November 03, 2024
- New York Times - October 28, 2024
- LA Times - October 15, 2024
- New York Times - September 12, 2024
- USA Today - September 03, 2024
- LA Times - August 20, 2024
- USA Today - August 15, 2024
- New York Times - July 21, 2024
- New York Times - July 11, 2024
- LA Times - June 26, 2024
- New York Times - June 23, 2024
- New York Times - June 13, 2024
- LA Times - June 09, 2024
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