Answer: ORCA
ORCA is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 394 times.
Referring Clues:
- 1977 film killer
- Killer whale
- 1977 movie thriller with Bo Derek
- Bo Derek's first major film
- Killer whale film
- Boat in "Jaws"
- Bo Derek's whale of a film
- Oceanic threat
- Sea terror
- Cetacean killer
- A whale of a menace
- Sea World attraction
- Ocean menace
- Black-and-white predator
- Whale of a film?
- Ocean predator
- Willy in "Free Willy," for one
- Willy of "Free Willy"
- Black-and-white hunter
- Sighting in the North Pacific
- Shamu, for one
- Dolphin family member
- 1977 movie in which Bo Derek's leg is bitten off
- Predatory whale
- Killer at sea
- Marine predator
- Sea predator
- "Jaws" boat
- Marine menace
- Underwater predator
- Ocean swimmer's worry
- Quint's boat in "Jaws"
- SeaWorld whale
- Ocean danger
- Whale of a movie?
- Marineland performer
- Relative of a bottlenose
- Marine killer
- Ocean killer
- Danger of the deep
- Marine park attraction
- Large predator
- Deep-sea killer
- It may prey on seals
- Black-and-white sea predator
- Preyer on seals
- It's a killer
- Creature at SeaWorld
- 1977 flick with the tagline "Terror just beneath the surface"
- 1977 thriller co-starring Bo Derek
- SeaWorld attraction
- Ocean threat
- Film cause célèbre Willy, for one
- Shamu or Willy
- Dangerous whale
- "Free Willy" animal
- Willy or Shamu
- Largest member of the dolphin family
- Sea World biggie
- "Free Willy" creature
- Two-hued sea predator
- Shamu, say
- "Free Willy" beast
- Bicolored ocean prowler
- Seagoing predator
- Sea lion hunter
- Toothed whale
- Black and white beast
- Large dolphin
- Pod member
- SeaWorld creature
- Black-and-white sea creature
- Titanic two-toned terror
- 1977 Bo Derek thriller
- Two-colored whale
- Killer of the sea
- Two-toned sea predator
- Bottlenose relative
- High seas heavyweight
- Pod inhabitant
- Penguin eater
- 1977 Bo Derek movie in which her character's leg gets bitten off
- Large ocean predator
- Ocean hunter
- Seal eater
- Predator of the sea
- Pilot whale's cousin
- Keiko, for one
- Bicolor sea predator
- Penguin hunter
- Shamu or Keiko
- Beluga's cousin
- White-bellied mammal
- Squid eater
- Sea lion eater
- Shamu, e.g.
- Grown calf, possibly
- Seal hunter
- Raw tuna devourer
- Shamu Stadium performer
- Blackfish's relative
- Pod member, perhaps
- Vancouver Canucks logo animal
- Seal predator
- Boat in the movie "Jaws"
- SeaWorld swimmer
- Largest oceanic dolphin
- Keiko in "Free Willy," for one
- SeaWorld performer
- Doomed vessel in "Jaws"
- SeaWorld's Corky II, e.g.
- Marineland attraction
- Sea lion attacker
- Sea World performer
- Down-under killer?
- Willy, notably
- Killer of the deep
- Dangerous dolphin
- Oceanic predator
- Aquatic mammal
- High-seas heavyweight
- Black-and-white dolphin
- Puget Sound swimmer
- Echolocation user
- Predatory dolphin
- ''Jaws'' boat
- Marine mammal
- Whale relative
- Black-and-white swimmer
- Largest dolphin
- Black and white predator
- Whale vs. bounty hunter flick
- Bo Derek film before ''10''
- ''Free Willy'' animal
- Aquatic predator
- Ocean giant
- Bo Derek film before "10"
- SeaWorld mammal
- Whale of an attraction
- Fierce whale
- Dolphin's cousin
- Whale type
- Threat in the ocean
- Predatory sea creature
- ''Jaws'' craft
- Black-and-white leviathan
- Puget Sound whale
- Black-and-white creature
- Dolphin's kin
- Predator in the sea
- Black and white killer
- "Jaws" ship
- Deep sea threat
- Predator of the deep
- Keiko was one
- Leviathan
- What Willie of "Free Willie" is
- Ocean mammal
- Attacker of seals
- Black-and-white whale
- Filmdom's Willy, for one
- White-bellied marine predator
- Height: Prefix
- Whale like Willy
- Cousin of a blackfish
- Walrus hunter
- 1977 whale of a tale
- Sea menace
- Bicolor whale
- Pacific predator
- "Free Willy" critter
- SeaWorld biggie
- Vancouver Canucks mascot
- Cousin of a beluga
- Flipper cousin
- Porpoise relative
- Whale like Willy or Shamu
- Predator of seals
- Dolphin relative
- "Jaws" craft
- Whale tale with Bo Derek
- Narwhal's cousin
- Deep-sea predator
- Oceanic killer
- Black-and-white sea giant
- Killer whale movie
- Prefix to pod
- Underwater killer
- SeaWorld behemoth
- "Free Willy" subject
- Briny bully
- Quint's craft
- One seeking to catch some rays?
- Big marine mammal
- 1977 thriller set at sea
- Killer whale found in this puzzle's four longest answers
- 1977 thriller set at sea
- Water hazard?
- Quint's vessel
- Relative of a blue whale
- Bottlenose kin
- Mean whale
- Nasty whale
- Two-tone whale
- Large-toothed whale
- A whale of a subject
- Raw tuna eater
- Largest of the dolphins
- Shamu of SeaWorld
- "Free Willy" whale
- Sea lion predator
- Black-and-white ocean predator
- Sight on an Alaskan cruise
- Ocean predator with giant jaws
- School bully?
- Shameless "Jaws" ripoff from 1977
- Two-color whale
- Dangerous marine creature
- Black-and-white ocean beast
- 'Jaws' boat
- Black-and-white mammal
- Marine threat
- 400-pound calf, perhaps
- Penguin attacker
- Seal threat
- Willy of "Free Willy," e.g.
- SeaWorld sight
- Swimmer featured in the 2013 film "Blackfish"
- SeaWorld draw
- Black-and-white predator of the deep
- Huge 1977 film killer
- Gigantic ocean predator
- Marine animal in the Vancouver Canucks logo
- Black-backed swimmer
- Beast in the documentary "Blackfish"
- Killer in the high seas
- Whale of a theme park performer
- Shark eater
- Bicolored seal hunter
- Black-and-white cruiser?
- SeaWorld favorite
- Tale of a whale or whale of a tale
- 1977 horror film set at sea
- Quint's vessel in "Jaws"
- Sea carnivore
- "Blackfish" animal
- Type of whale
- Pod part, perhaps
- Black-and-white giant
- Grampus relative
- Top of an oceanic food chain
- Sea World favorite
- Willy of the "Free Willy" movies, e.g.
- Whale species
- 1977 film described by Leonard Maltin as "For undiscriminating action fans whose idea of entertainment is watching Bo [Derek] getting her leg bitten off"
- Whale of a motion picture
- Maritime predator
- Killer whale of film
- 54-Across, e.g.
- Part of a pod
- Subject of the 2013 documentary "Blackfish"
- Relative of "Jaws": 1977
- Kind of whale
- 1977 horror film set in Newfoundland
- Porpoise cousin
- SeaWorld favorite, once
- Oregon's Keiko, for one
- Attraction being phased out by SeaWorld
- Type of predatory whale
- Black and white animal
- Seal-hunting swimmer
- The "Free Willy" creature
- Deep sea predator
- Menace with four-inch teeth
- Predator of dolphins
- Member of a predatory pod
- It may prey on a ray
- Boat in 1-Down
- Two-tone apex predator
- Dolphin's predator
- Largest dolphin family member
- Walrus predator
- Predatory marine mammal
- Huge sea creature
- Predator of the great white
- "___ Encounter": SeaWorld show
- Whale variety
- Boat-destroying movie creature
- Predator of penguins
- Voracious marine mammal
- Predator of walruses
- Arctic predator
- 1977 movie predator
- Two-tone sea predator
- Whale that attacks other whales
- Dolphin eater
- "Blackfish" beast
- White-bellied ocean predator
- It's black and white and wet all over
- Dolphin that preys on others
- Apex predator of the sea
- Creature with a 17-month gestation period
- Pod creature
- Swimmer with huge calves
- Black-and-white carnivore
- Predator of tuna
- Subject of the documentary "Blackfish"
- Two-tone predator
- Predator in a pod
- Shamu was one
- Porpoise's predatory cousin
- Dolphin's predatory cousin
- Penguin predator
- Whale found in every one of the world's oceans
- Swimmer with big calves
- White-bellied swimmer
- Whale with powerful teeth
- Whale such as Willy
- Behemoth in the ocean
- Black-backed predator
- Sea creature with no natural predators
- Largest dolphin species
- Top-level ocean predator
- Sea hunter
- Predator of the Pacific Northwest
- Six-ton predator
- 26-Down, for one
- The whale in "Free Willy," for one
- Apex predator of the ocean
- Whale also called a blackfish
- Top predator of the oceans
- Black-and-white marine mammal
- Whale with a saddle patch
- Highly social whale
- Black-and-white animal hidden in "colorcast"
- Seattle bus pass with a finned logo
- Whale that preys on octopuses
- Vancouver Canucks' mascot Fin, for one
- Penguin-hunting swimmer
- Doomed boat in "Jaws"
- "Free Willy" marine mammal
- "Blackfish" whale
- Willy, in "Free Willy"
- Aptly named "Jaws" boat
- Animal whose name consists of the postal codes of two states it passes in its migration
- One in a pod
- Sight from a Seattle ferry
- Whale with the same color scheme as a crossword
- Only known animal to prey on great white sharks
- Dolphin seen near the San Juan Islands
- What's black and white and a threat all over?
- Whale that whistles and clicks
- One swimming in a pod
- Dolphin family "killer"
- With 65-Across, underwater creature that actually IS a 65-Across despite a common misconception
- "Blackfish" killer whale
- Black-and-white creature like Fin the Whale
- Squid predator
- Apex predator with fins
- Porpoise kin
- Willy in "Free Willy" was one
- Mammal made from the first four letters of 49-Down
- Whale fond of beach rubbing
- Marine mammal with the same colors as an Oreo
- Great white shark's only known predator
- Whale such as Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut
- The false killer whale resembles it
- Large part of a pod
- Black-and-white sea mammal
- Type of whale that goes through menopause
- Part of some pods
- Pod predator
- Animal whose brain has the most gray matter of any mammal
- Orcinus ___ (marine species)
- Black-and-white danger
- Wolf of the sea
- Mammal with more gray matter than a human
- Ocean predator that sleeps with one eye open
- Marine mammal in a matrilineal group
- What's black and white and wet all over?
- Apex predator in the sea
- Blubbery predator
- Predator that can weigh up to six tons
- Creature hidden in "indoor cat"
- Mammal that can sink a boat
- Marine animal with distinctive eye patches
- Predator found in all oceans
- Mammal on the Vancouver Canucks logo
- One may catch some rays
- Predator sometimes called the "wolf of the sea"
- Pilot whale relative
- Oceanic apex predator
- Whale that preys on seals
- Apex predator in the ocean
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - February 27, 2025
- LA Times - February 22, 2025
- New York Times - February 18, 2025
- LA Times - February 17, 2025
- USA Today - February 03, 2025
- USA Today - January 03, 2025
- New York Times - December 13, 2024
- New York Times - December 09, 2024
- LA Times - November 23, 2024
- LA Times - November 16, 2024
- New York Times - November 15, 2024
- LA Times - November 05, 2024
- New York Times - October 24, 2024
- New York Times - October 20, 2024
- LA Times - September 22, 2024
- New York Times - September 21, 2024
- USA Today - September 20, 2024
- LA Times - September 12, 2024
- USA Today - September 04, 2024
- USA Today - August 23, 2024
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